
A two-year-old child has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency. What should be done in such cases? The child is usually very active, but has average sleep quality at night and irregular eating habits. Sometimes, the child eats a lot of milk and sugar.


The child’s condition may be due to a monotonous diet and a lack of appropriate complementary foods. It is recommended to add iron-rich foods to the child’s diet, such as egg yolks, fruit purees, hawthorn, oranges, walnuts, and animal liver, which are also good sources of iron. In the diet, you can choose corn flour, millet, soybeans, and other high-iron foods. If the child’s anemia symptoms are severe, it may be necessary to take iron supplements such as Xuezhongbao Oral Liquid and continue for 2-3 months to achieve recovery. Additionally, the child should also supplement calcium and correct the anemia to gradually improve the child’s overall health condition.