
This year, my child is five years old and has been underdeveloped since birth. Where in Shenyang can I find a hospital for treating pediatric cerebral palsy?


Hello, the treatment for pediatric cerebral palsy can be carried out through conventional acupuncture to enhance intelligence, promote brain health, resolve blood stasis, and improve blood circulation. During treatment, the main points selected include Du Meridian and acupoints on the Gallbladder and Stomach Meridians of the foot, as well as the vertebral interspaces. The main acupoints include Baihui, Sishencong, Jiaji, Xiangzhong, Zusanli, Hegu. When selecting auxiliary points, for patients with liver and kidney deficiency, add Gan Shu and Shen Shu; for patients with both heart and spleen deficiency, add Heart Shu and Spleen Shu; for patients with phlegm and blood stasis obstructing the meridians, add Geshu, Xuehai, Fenglong; for patients with language disorders, add Tongli, Lianquan, Jinjin, Yuyin; for patients with soft necks, add Tianzhu; for patients with upper limb paralysis, add Jianyu and Quchi; for patients with lower limb paralysis, add Huanjiu and Yanglingquan; for patients with lumbar softness, add Yaoyangguan.