
What’s happening if a newborn has high heel blood levels?


Newborn screening is an effective method for preventing and treating certain genetic diseases after birth. It typically involves taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord or heel. Some countries have already included this measure in routine prenatal checks, with up to 12 diseases being screened. In our country, this initiative is just starting to take off. In some regions, diseases like Phenylketonuria (PKU), familial thyroid enlargement, and G6PD deficiency (in the south) are being included in the screening. Preventive treatments have been administered to detected patients, with satisfactory results. If there is a need for further review, a new blood test should be conducted. If the levels are still high, timely diagnosis and treatment should be sought. It is recommended to have an immediate follow-up test to rule out Phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism.