
My 8-month-old daughter has been diagnosed with “pediatric spasm syndrome” by Nanjing Children’s Hospital, and I don’t know where to seek treatment?


  1. Once diagnosed with pediatric spasm syndrome, the main focus in clinical treatment is to control the recurrence of the condition and actively search for the cause. Adrenal Cortex Hormone (ACTH) is considered the most effective medication, and if it is ineffective, dexamethasone or prednisone can be considered. It is important to prevent and control infections, and appropriately supplement potassium and sodium. Medications such as sodium valproate, non-amide, and ammonia enanthate should be used according to medical instructions. Vitamin B6 and immunoglobulins are also part of the treatment. For some cases of pediatric spasm syndrome with unknown causes or those that cannot be removed, the main treatment is to control recurrences. Patients with pediatric spasm syndrome have severe neural signal transmission barriers in the brainstem, making treatment very challenging. During hospitalization, drug dosages may need to be adjusted according to the doctor’s advice. Patience, close observation, and careful care are required.
  2. Zhengzhou City Tongle Epilepsy Research Institute uses a new treatment method combining “internal traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture point insertion therapy” for pediatric spasm syndrome. This information comes from online searches and is for reference only.