
My baby suddenly shook his legs last night. He recovered after a few seconds. He also has occasional leg shaking during the day, which is slightly better today than yesterday. Could this be epilepsy? My baby is scheduled for an eye surgery next Monday.


Leg cramps that occur frequently are often caused by calcium deficiency, cold exposure, or regional nerve vessel compression. You can take appropriate calcium supplements, get more sunlight exposure, and pay attention to regional warming. Also, be mindful of posture changes, such as sitting and sleeping positions, to avoid nerve vessel compression. You can also perform regional muscle heat compresses and massages to enhance regional blood circulation. If the situation does not improve, you should go to the hospital for a check-up and treatment. If leg cramps occur at night while sleeping, it may be due to calcium deficiency. It is recommended to supplement with calcium, which can be done by eating more calcium-rich foods such as milk, fish and shrimp, bone soup, or by taking calcium tablets like Lekeli or Dikao.