The 4-year-old occasionally mentions knee pain in his left leg. Do we need to undergo a CT scan or X-ray to investigate the cause or etiology? Additionally, the child also frequently complains of abdominal pain. What might be the possible causes or etiologies?
Hello: There may be two situations for the baby’s leg pain, one being a calcium deficiency, and the other possibly growing pains or overexertion during play. It is recommended that you take the baby to the hospital for a trace element test to confirm the diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment. If diagnosed with a calcium deficiency, you can give him Longmu Zhuanggu Chongji, a traditional Chinese medicine preparation, which has good absorption and does not require additional vitamin D supplements. At the same time, combine dietary supplements by consuming more calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, fish, shrimp shells, kelp, and bone soup, and eat more vitamin D-rich foods like pork liver, sheep liver, and beef liver to promote calcium absorption. Wishing the baby healthy growth.