
What are the daily units of various vitamins a person should consume? Currently, I am taking a pill for treating rickets that contains 2000 units of Vitamin A and 2700 units of Vitamin D, one pill per day. There is also Vitamin C sold at the pharmacy, 0.1 gram per tablet, one tablet per day. Additionally, I am taking two tablets of the multiple vitamins from Tsinghua Ziguang Jinhua Garden series daily. Is this intake excessive?


Hello! Your question concerns nutrition. Here are some suggestions: According to the recommendations of our country’s Nutrition Society, the reasonable dietary composition index suggests the daily recommended vitamin intake as follows: Vitamin A and D at 2260 and 400 international units, respectively; Vitamin B1, B2, B6, and C at 1.5 to 1.8, 1.2 to 2.1, 2.70 to 75 milligrams, respectively. These vitamins are mainly obtained through seafood, fresh vegetables, especially deep green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits, with an intake of 400 to 500 grams per person per day. For your current intake, you need to calculate whether it exceeds the daily recommended intake. Excessive vitamin intake may lead to adverse health consequences, so it is recommended that you adjust your intake based on the advice of a nutritionist.