
Dear Baby, she’s only 7 months old, and when she starts talking, she seems to have a sore throat. I noticed she has a slight cough as well, and it seems like she has a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. How should we treat a young child’s tonsillitis and sore throat?


The treatment for pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture, with options for systemic or localized treatment, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar drug injection. If the child has severe sore throat symptoms, it is recommended to use some painkillers to relieve the symptoms. If there is a fever, choose a cooling method based on body temperature; physical cooling can be used if the temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, while oral fever-reducing medication can be taken if it is above 38.5 degrees Celsius. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child repeatedly experiences inflammation, parents may consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child receives adequate nutrition, maintain a light diet, and get plenty of rest to avoid fatigue.