
My baby is three months old and still has a weak neck. The doctor says it might be an early sign of scoliosis. How can I make the neck firm?


A three-month-old baby with a weak neck could be an early sign of scoliosis, or it may also indicate delayed motor development due to poor brain development. If there were any birth abnormalities, such as asphyxia, umbilical cord around the neck, cloudy amniotic fluid, or preterm birth, this possibility should be more closely monitored. Recommendations include: One, actively treat scoliosis. Two, undergo a CT scan or MRI of the head to rule out the possibility of poor brain development. Three, conduct a pediatric development assessment to determine developmental quotients. If there is indeed a delay in motor or intellectual development, rehabilitation training and treatment should be initiated early. The brain develops fastest in the first year of life, especially in the first six months, with the highest plasticity. Do not miss the best opportunity for rehabilitation.