
The five-month-old baby recently has a shortened daytime sleep duration, only sleeping for one to two hours and often waking up. Previously, the child could sleep for three to four hours and sleep normally at night, usually for five to six hours. It has been noticed that the baby sweats while sleeping during the day, leaving sweat stains on the pillow.


The baby’s condition may be due to calcium deficiency. Icacin Vitamin AD drops and Gailide Compound Calcium Carbonate Granules can be taken. These are effective in replenishing calcium and treating rickets symptoms. Calcium supplementation can prevent rickets and its symptoms such as craniotabes, irritability, disinterest in the environment, night terrors, sudden waking at night, incessant crying, late teething in children over one year old, prominent forehead forming a square head, bead ribs, and delayed closure of the anterior fontanelle. Treatment for rickets requires calcium supplementation, along with vitamin D supplementation and adequate sun exposure.