
My baby is eight months old, and everything was fine during the one-month checkup. However, after that, we noticed that he’s shorter than average and weighs less. He also cries a lot at night, and there’s no hair around his head at the back. He sweats a lot when he sleeps. The doctor suggested that he might have rickets, which is quite concerning for me.


Hello, the early symptoms of rickets include restlessness during sleep, night terrors, and excessive sweating, as well as nervous and mental symptoms. Later on, there may be muscle weakness, enlargement of the liver and spleen, delayed teething, and baldness at the back of the head. For this age group, it is necessary to supplement vitamin D and calcium. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet and to expose the baby to sunlight, as this helps with calcium absorption and the activation of vitamin D. Also, your baby’s symptoms may not necessarily be due to rickets; it’s best to have a detailed examination at the hospital.