
My baby is 51 days old and presents with symptoms of lethargy and easy startle during sleep. The hospital diagnosed it with active dysplasia osteomalacia. The report of the left wrist radiograph shows reduced bone density at the distal end of the ulna, thinned bone cortex, early calcification band thinning and blurring, visible cupped indentations, and brush-like changes, with sharp edges on both sides, and no visible wrist metaphyseal bone. The doctor prescribed calcitonin and calcium gluconate granules. Expert, will my baby have any sequelae in the future?


Dysplasia osteomalacia, also known as rickets, is a common chronic nutritional deficiency disease in infants and young children, caused by insufficient vitamin D in the body leading to metabolic disorders of calcium and phosphorus throughout the body. Although it rarely threatens life, it is prone to respiratory and digestive tract infections. Treatment should be early detection and early treatment, combined with outdoor activities and traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and often eating foods high in calcium content. It can also be assisted by dietary therapy such as pig marrow soup, chicken ham garlic stir-fry, as well as external treatment methods such as plasters made from crab claw bone and white atractylodes rhizome. It should be avoided to overuse vitamin D, excessive sun exposure, and excessive sugar intake, which may affect the treatment effect.