
The baby’s skull sutures are large, and their development is slower by three or four months compared to same age peers. They have only recently seen a doctor. How can rickets be prevented through diet?


The main method to prevent rickets is to ensure adequate vitamin D intake. One of the best ways is to let the child get enough sunlight, as 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin can be converted into vitamin D by ultraviolet rays, promoting calcium absorption and strengthening bones. The specific time for sunbathing needs to be adjusted according to the season. In summer, it is recommended to sunbathe in the shade or under an umbrella, or before and after sunrise; in spring and autumn, it is advisable to take the child outdoors to play; in winter, it is best to take the child out on sunny days. The best time for sunbathing is around noon. In addition, vitamin D supplements can be taken in moderation, usually 400 international units daily. Premature babies should start supplementation two weeks after birth, while full-term infants should begin after one month. Within the first three months after birth, 800 international units can be used daily, and then reduced to 400 international units. At the same time, calcium supplements should be added in moderation. After the age of two, as the child’s growth rate slows down and outdoor activities increase, vitamin D supplementation is generally no longer necessary. For different seasons or causes, such as during the initial spring and autumn, when daylight hours are short and children have fewer opportunities to sunbathe, additional vitamin D supplementation may be needed. Generally, 400 units daily can meet the needs. We often use concentrated cod liver oil drops