
How can O-shaped legs caused by rickets be treated? The baby has been showing signs of O-shaped legs since 10 months old and has been supplementing with Icoshin AD and Dikao Calcium. The trace element test results show calcium level at 1.51, iron at 7.28, and zinc at 54.04. The distance between the two legs is 3 millimeters.


For infants who develop O-shaped legs, continued supplementation with vitamin D and calcium can gradually correct the condition as they grow. It’s recommended to hold the baby to soak in the sun in the morning. It’s advised to continue supplementing with vitamin D and calcium, and pay attention to calcium intake in daily life, such as drinking bone soup, but avoid overly greasy versions. You can use pork ribs to make the soup. Additionally, it’s appropriate to hold the baby in the sun for a moderate amount of time, preferably in the morning, without intense sunlight.