
How can parents correctly help a 17-month-old baby supplement calcium?


Some parents may, due to a lack of understanding of rickets, worry about their child developing the condition and thus unnecessarily overuse cod liver oil. Others might misunderstand cod liver oil, believing it contains vitamins A and D, and that vitamin supplements are nutritional, harmless when taken in excess, so they random increase the dosage of cod liver oil. However, only the correct dosage can promote a baby’s growth and development; excessive use can be harmful. Cod liver oil is typically used to prevent rickets and is most common between two months after birth and one year old. After the age of two, as outdoor activities increase and babies can produce vitamin D on their own, cod liver oil is generally no longer needed. It is recommended to give the baby one Ikohsin tablet daily. I hope this information is helpful! Wishing your baby health and happiness!