
My child was diagnosed with being a full-term small for gestational age at birth, accompanied by ischemic brain disease. Now, at 8 months old, he cannot sit up yet but can roll over. The hospital diagnosed him with cerebral palsy. Which hospital is outstanding in treating pediatric cerebral palsy?


The treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy usually involves oral or injectable medications such as brain nerve nutrition drugs, muscle relaxants, and blood circulation drugs. These include medications that can repair brain tissue and brain cells, such as lecithin, which can improve learning and memory functions. Additionally, amino acids that can promote brain cell DNA synthesis, increase the oxygen utilization rate of brain cells, improve brain cell energy metabolism, and enhance brain function can be chosen. Medications like brain enzyme hydrolysates and spirulina tablets that regulate brain nerve activity can also be used. It is also important to actively supplement a variety of vitamins. Under certain conditions, injections of preparations such as cerebroactive substance, cerebropeptide, acetylglutamic acid, and cytidine diphosphate choline can be considered.