
What Are the Symptoms of Pediatric Cerebral Palsy in Patients from Beijing?


Cerebral palsy can lead to: 1. Central motor disorders, which manifest as delayed motor development compared to same-age children. It is often only when parents notice difficulties in the child lifting their head, turning over, or sitting that they discover the child’s limbs are rarely active, especially the lower limbs, which are more pronounced, often showing symptoms such as hemiplegia, bilateral paresis, or quadriplegia. Due to difficulties in voluntary movement, actions are stiff and uncoordinated, often resulting in abnormal movement patterns. 2. Abnormal muscle tone and posture. When there is a lesion in the extrapyramidal system or basal ganglia, cerebral palsy primarily presents with abnormal movements, increased muscle tone,athetosis, chorea, and rigidity; when there is a lesion in the cerebellum, there is ataxia and low muscle tone; and when there is widespread brain damage, there are symptoms such as muscle rigidity and tremors. If not treated promptly, these conditions can be very serious.