
Seeking medical institutions in Beijing with a good reputation for treating pediatric cerebral palsy. My child is three years old, with normal intelligence and language skills, but has some delays in motor abilities and sometimes struggles to get up after a fall.


Consider using oral or injectable medications such as brain nerve nutrition drugs, muscle relaxants, and drugs to promote blood circulation. These include medications that help restore the cell membranes of brain cells damaged by trauma, hemorrhage, or hypoxia, protect nerve cells, enhance nerve conduction, and improve learning and memory functions. These drugs include lecithin (containing phosphatidylcholine, cephalin, sphingomyelin, etc.), as well as drugs that promote the synthesis of brain cell DNA, increase the oxygen utilization rate of brain cells, improve brain cell energy metabolism, enhance brain function, provide amino acids needed for brain tissue repair and regeneration, and regulate brain nerve activity, such as Guli Xi (brain enzyme hydrolysis tablets), Spirulina tablets (capsules). Additionally, it is also recommended to actively supplement a variety of vitamins, such as 21-Vitamin He. If conditions permit, you can choose the following intravenous injection preparations (with the same effect as tablets): Cerebroactive, Cerebropeptide, Acetylglutamic Acid, Cytidine Diphosphate Choline, etc.