
Dear Sir, my son is just over 7 months old. He has recently started to feel pain when drinking water, and his coughing is quite severe. He also has a persistent fever that doesn’t seem to go away. How should we treat his tonsillitis effectively to relieve the pain?


If a child has tonsillitis, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered. Along with systemic treatment, regional treatments can also be chosen to enhance efficacy, including tonsil pocket irrigation and direct tonsil injection of medication. If the child’s sore throat is particularly severe, it is recommended to give some painkillers based on the situation. If the fever persists and does not subside, oral antipyretics can be taken. If the medication is not effective and the condition recurs frequently, it is suggested to consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, attention should be paid to providing the child with adequate nutrition, a light diet, and sufficient rest to avoid fatigue.