
My baby weighed 5.4 pounds and was 49 cm tall at birth, 6 days past due date. They are breastfed exclusively. At 36 days old, they weighed 6.6 pounds and were 54 cm tall, with bowel movements 4 to 6 times a day, which were rather loose. After taking ‘Mama Love’ for two weeks, the bowel movements became mostly normal, occurring 3 to 5 times a day with each bowel movement being larger than before. At 50 days old, they weighed just over 7 pounds. When they first started sleeping, they slept better at night than during the day, waking up 2 to 3 times without crying. After more than 30 days, they also slept more during the day, and still sleep well at night. Currently, they are breastfed exclusively, and I’m hesitant to add formula milk as I’m worried it might reduce my milk supply. Additionally, during delivery,