
A 23-year-old has been discovered to have a fasting blood sugar level of 13.3, accompanied by weight loss, increased water intake, and frequent urination. What diseases could this situation be related to?


When a 23-year-old presents with a fasting blood sugar level of 13.3, along with symptoms of weight loss and polydipsia/polyuria, diabetes diagnosis is likely confirmed. The key is to differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that leads to the destruction of pancreatic cells, commonly seen in adolescents, with acute onset and may be accompanied by diabetic ketoacidosis, and insulin antibodies are often positive. Type 2 diabetes involves insufficient pancreatic function or insulin resistance. In terms of treatment, type 1 diabetes patients require insulin as they are sensitive to it and insulin is essential for survival. Based on age and symptoms, type 1 diabetes is more likely, which can be further confirmed through pancreatic cell function tests and antibody tests. Currently, the best treatment for type 1 diabetes is the use of insulin, including the use of insulin pumps, which can release insulin in a physiological mode and perform pulse injections before meals to lower postprandial blood sugar levels.