
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder syndrome caused by the decline or resistance of the islet function, and controlling diet is very important in treatment. Which fruits and vegetables are most suitable for diabetic patients to eat?


Diabetic patients need to pay special attention to dietary management, and it is recommended to adopt a dietary structure with a high carbohydrate content, a reduced fat ratio, and controlled protein intake. Here are some fruits and vegetables suitable for diabetic patients: Fruits: Include tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, peaches, plums, apricots, loquats, pineapples, strawberries, cherries, etc. Vegetables: bitter melon has a similar effect to insulin and can lower blood sugar; when onions and garlic are eaten together, they have a hypoglycemic effect; konjac contains high fiber and can slow down the absorption of glucose, effectively reducing postprandial blood sugar; pumpkin can promote insulin secretion; the purple seaweed polysaccharides in purple seaweed can lower fasting blood sugar; the polysaccharides in black fungus also have a hypoglycemic effect; zucchini can promote insulin secretion; sprouts can control the rise in postprandial blood sugar; white kidney beans can inhibit the action of α-amylase, reduce glucose absorption, and lower postprandial blood sugar.