
A male patient with 6 years of diabetes and a foot ulcer on the left foot inquires about his condition.


Diabetic foot is a regional manifestation of a severe diabetic complication, with its root cause being overall dysfunction due to kidney Yin deficiency and spleen and stomach heat accumulation. Long-term lack of nutrients, myocardial ischemia, poor blood circulation, Qi and blood stagnation, ischemia and hypoxia in the extremely fine vascular areas, and blocked nerve lines, especially in the feet under body pressure, are more prone to ischemia and hypoxia, leading to coldness in the lower limbs, numbness, leg cramps, and abnormal sensation in the extremities, especially the feet. In severe cases, the area may turn black, form necrosis, and ulcerate. Using Western medicine alone to lower blood sugar can only temporarily reduce it; after the medication wears off, blood sugar levels will quickly rise again, lacking real therapeutic significance. Therefore, the condition may gradually worsen and may eventually require amputation. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment can truly restore health.