
Can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat pistachios?


In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are best advised to consume more neutral fruits such as apples, peaches, apricots, pineapples, and black plums. In the second trimester, pregnant women should choose appropriate fruits based on their own conditions. Women with a cold constitution can eat fruits like peaches, cherries, longans, lychees, jujubes, pomegranates, coconuts, and durians; while those with a hot constitution can eat fruits like watermelons, bananas, kiwis, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, and mulberries. In the late stages of pregnancy, pregnant women can eat more fruits rich in vitamins, such as kiwis. Oranges should be eaten in moderation, especially for those with a hot constitution, as excessive consumption may lead to pigment deposition and be harmful to the skin. Oranges can be consumed more freely; they are rich in vitamins. In addition, figs can be eaten in moderate amounts.