
At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fasting blood sugar during the glucose tolerance test was 5.0, and the blood sugar one hour after taking oral glucose was 12.3. The doctor diagnosed it as gestational diabetes and suggested dietary control and increased physical activity. However, after two weeks of adjustment, the effect was still not ideal. The fasting blood sugar remained between 5.0 and 5.4, and the post-meal blood sugar fluctuated between 6.4 and 8.7. Daily diet mainly consists of coarse grains, reducing the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, but often feels hungry. I would like to ask how to control or treat gestational diabetes, and whether long-term hunger could affect fetal development?


Hello, it is recommended to adopt a diet of small meals throughout the day with low salt and low-fat content, along with moderate exercise, but ensure the normal development of the fetus while trying to control blood sugar levels as much as possible.