
I am 26 weeks pregnant and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Currently, I measure my blood sugar levels before breakfast, 30 minutes before lunch, 2 hours after lunch, 2 hours after dinner, and before bedtime each week. My blood sugar levels are normal at other times, but my blood sugar level after lunch has been consistently high.


In addition to controlling blood sugar levels, gestational diabetes patients should also pay attention to prenatal examinations and closely monitor the development of the fetus. It is generally recommended that fasting blood sugar levels before breakfast be controlled between 5.5-6.0 mmol/L, and post-meal blood sugar levels should be around 7-8 mmol/L, not exceeding 8 mmol/L. Taking a walk for half an hour after meals can help lower post-meal blood sugar levels. The dietary treatment principles for gestational diabetes are the same as those for non-pregnant individuals, ensuring adequate nutrition while controlling blood sugar levels.