
At 24 weeks pregnant, I am experiencing a significant sense of fatigue. Urine sugar index is normal, blood sugar is 8.1 mmol/L, HbA1c 22%. Feel lazy.


For patients with diabetes, it is important to have small and frequent meals, and to adopt a diet low in salt, fat, and sugar. At the same time, be mindful of high-energy and high-starch foods, and reduce or avoid their intake. Foods to be eaten sparingly include yams, lotus root, taro, carrots, onions, garlic sprouts, fatty meats, animal fats, egg yolks, kidneys, liver, intestines, and other internal organs, as well as high-calorie foods such as walnuts, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. Obese individuals should limit their consumption. Choose vegetables with a low glycemic index, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and celery, as well as fruits with a low glycemic index like grapefruit and kiwi. Opt for high-quality proteins such as lean meat and fish. For staple foods, you can choose corn flour noodles, buckwheat noodles, and oatmeal noodles, but pay attention to the amount consumed. It is recommended to visit a diabetes specialty hospital’s nutrition center where a nutritionist can tailor a personalized dietary plan for you. This will allow for accurate disease assessment and individualized treatment based on standardized care, as well as fine-tuned dynamic control to achieve the best treatment outcomes.