What should I do if my child often sweats while sleeping at night?
An 8-year-old child often sweating while sleeping may be due to physiological hyperhidrosis, which is caused by their vigorous metabolism and an underdeveloped nervous system regulation. In certain situations, such as during summer, wearing too many or too tight clothes, after physical activity, consuming hot food, or experiencing stress or fear, sweating may be more pronounced. If there are no other abnormal symptoms, this is considered a normal phenomenon, and parents should not worry. To alleviate the problem of excessive sweating, it is recommended to have the child drink more water, wear loose clothing, maintain a cool environment, and pay attention to personal hygiene. Additionally, long-term excessive sweating may lead to zinc deficiency. It is important to consciously increase the intake of zinc-rich foods such as eggs, meat, liver, beans, and peanuts. If the child shows signs of reduced appetite, slow weight and height growth, it may be necessary for a doctor to prescribe zinc-containing medication and avoid taking calcium supplements at the same time, as calcium supplements can affect zinc absorption. Moreover, rickets is also a cause of excessive sweating due to a lack of vitamin D. To prevent rickets, appropriate sun exposure and sufficient vitamin D intake can be improved.