
What Are the Risks of Vocal Cord Nodule Surgery?


Vocal cord nodules are a common condition in otolaryngology, a special type of chronic laryngitis that often occurs at the junction of the anterior and middle one-third of the vocal cords. They can form due to improper vocalization or excessive use of high-pitched sounds, leading to inflammation of the vocal cord mucosa. The risks associated with surgery include the possibility of persistent or worsening hoarseness, as well as the need for time to recover normal voice function post-surgery. However, traditional Chinese medicine offers another option, including the use of herbal powders that promote blood circulation, resolve blood stasis, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain, directly applied to the affected area. This is combined with internal herbal medicine and acupuncture, among other comprehensive therapies, to achieve both symptomatic and root treatment effects without toxic or adverse side effects.