
How effective is cefalexin and trimethoprim capsules in treating secretory otitis media?


Hello, secretory otitis media is a non-suppurative inflammatory disease of the middle ear characterized by conductive deafness and middle ear effusion. It is more common in winter and spring and is one of the common causes of hearing loss in children and adults. The effusion in the middle ear can be serous or serosanguineous, or mucoid. Hearing impairment includes hearing loss and hyperacusis. When the effusion moves away from the cochlear duct with head position changes, hearing may temporarily improve (positionally improved hearing). If the effusion is viscous, hearing does not change with head position. Ear pain, tinnitus, a sensation of numbness on the skin around the ear, and feelings of distress psychologically are also symptoms. For secretory otitis media, conservative treatment involves anti-inflammatory therapy. If anti-inflammatory therapy is ineffective, options such as myringotomy with fluid aspiration, tympanostomy tube insertion, or tympanic membrane incision may be considered based on the situation. Cefalexin and trimethoprim capsules are a type of cephalosporin antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of secretory otitis media. If the treatment is effective, it can be effective for secretory otitis media. However, if it is not effective, more invasive treatments such as myringotomy with fluid aspiration, tympanostomy tube insertion, or tympanic membrane incision may be necessary.