
How can white hair be restored to black?


“Premature graying” is a condition that affects children and adolescents, characterized by prematurely white hair. The causes are complex and can be categorized into two types: congenital and acquired. Congenital premature graying is often caused by genetic factors, such as genetic progeria, Bockenheimer syndrome, and Werner syndrome, which often have a family history of multi-generational inheritance. Genetic defects and albinism also fall under congenital genetic diseases. For targeted treatment, specific examinations are required. Acquired premature graying has many causes, including malnutrition, such as a lack of protein, vitamins, and certain trace elements (such as copper); some chronic Consumable disease like tuberculosis, which can cause nutritional deficiencies; some patients with long-term fever; certain endocrine diseases; encephalitis, neurological diseases, and other conditions that may lead to hair whitening. A large amount of hair whitening may be related to excessive anxiety, sadness, severe psychological trauma, or mental overexertion. For targeted treatment, further examinations are needed. It is recommended to consume more black sesame seeds and carefully select shampoos for hair care to gradually improve the condition of the hair.