
What factors or causes might there be when a child bleeds from the nose during sleep, and how should it be treated?


Nosebleeds are common in children aged 4 to 10. Most cases are due to the vascular network in the anterior lower part of the nasal septum. This area has thin mucous membrane and lacks valves, known as the bleeding predisposition area of the nasal cavity. Factors or causes may include local factors such as nasal trauma, nasal vestibular inflammation, foreign bodies in the nose, nasal vascular tumors, as well as systemic factors such as upper respiratory tract inflammation, bone marrow failure anemia, hemorrhagic purpura due to thrombocytopenia, liver cirrhosis, deficiency of vitamin C, hemophilia, leukemia, etc. When a child has a nosebleed, parents should keep the child sitting or semi-sitting, with the head slightly forward to avoid lying flat and preventing blood from entering the respiratory tract. A cold towel can be applied to the head, and the nose can be pressed between the fingers for 3 to 5 minutes. Alternatively, cotton soaked in 0.1% epinephrine solution or Yunnan Baiyao can be inserted into the nasal cavity for 10 minutes before removal. Maintain indoor humidity and encourage children to drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits to prevent vitamin deficiency. Herbal remedies such as fresh Rhizoma Polygonati, Rhizoma Sparganii, and Rhizoma Arundinariae decoction can help cool blood. Additionally, it is important to avoid picking the nose and regularly apply antibiotic ointment to the nasal cavity. These methods are only for home first aid for nosebleeds. To ensure effective treatment, it is advisable to seek medical advice promptly from a specialist doctor.