
Doctor: Our son has been born for nearly 50 days, but the jaundice has not subsided. We have had to go to the hospital twice due to the jaundice and have been unable to receive the scheduled vaccinations. At home, we have tried giving our child San Huang Soup, sunbathing, drinking more water, and using glucose, but none of these methods have been effective. We are very worried and don’t know what to do. Please help us.


  1. Clinical Features of Neonatal Jaundice Neonates require a higher level of serum bilirubin in their blood before jaundice appears, due to the difference in transparency of their skin and mucous membranes compared to adults. Additionally, the conjunctival tissue in neonates is tighter and has fewer lymphatic spaces, which causes the yellowing of the eyes to appear later.
  2. Physiological Jaundice in Neonates Most neonates will have blood bilirubin levels exceeding 34mmol/L within the first week after birth. The diagnosis of physiological jaundice requires the exclusion of pathological jaundice, such as the appearance of jaundice within the first 24-36 hours after birth, rapid daily increase in bilirubin levels, excessively high bilirubin values in full-term or premature infants, and prolonged duration of jaundice.
  3. Causes and Clinical Manifestations of Neonatal Jaundice Neonatal jaundice can be categorized into prehepatic jaundice, hepatocellular jaundice, and posthepatic jaundice.