At around 20 days old, a newborn has small dark spots with red spots appearing near the ear.
Hemangiomas are tumors or vascular malformations formed by vascular tissue, with about 80% being congenital and benign, growing slowly, and rarely becoming malignant. Vascular malformations of the oral and maxillofacial region account for 60% of all vascular malformations, most commonly occurring on the skin of the face, subcutaneous tissue, and mucous membranes of the mouth, such as the tongue, lips, and floor of the mouth. A few occur within the jawbone or deep tissue. Hemangiomas are common at birth or soon after, originating from residual embryonic vascular cells. Active endothelial-like buds infiltrate surrounding tissues, forming endothelial strands that vascularize and connect to residual vessels to form hemangiomas. The vessels within the tumor form their own system and do not connect with surrounding vessels.