
“What are the new treatment methods for pediatric tic disorders?”


“Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that pediatric tic disorders are caused by spleen deficiency, yang deficiency, and disharmony between the liver and spleen. Recommendations include:

  1. Using traditional Chinese herbs or prepared medicine to replenish vital energy, nourish the Qi, remove dampness, resolve phlegm, and unblock meridians. Treatment is tailored to the specific condition after diagnosis, with a significant effect observed in most patients within 7 to 15 days. Through continuous adjustment and consolidation (3 to 5 metabolic cycles), the tic disorder can be eliminated. If necessary, a distant diagnosis can be conducted (including sleep patterns, bowel movements, tongue appearance, etc.).
  2. Diet should be light and avoid spicy, greasy, and cold foods. Drink plenty of water, engage in moderate exercise, maintain a relaxed mood, and ensure adequate sleep.”