
How to treat dominant genetic common ichthyosis?


Ichthyosis is a common genetic disorder, usually caused by autosomal recessive inheritance. The disease may lead to a series of syndromes, including: ① ichthyosis spastic paralysis intellectual disability syndrome; ② ichthyosis dwarfism intellectual disability syndrome; ③ intellectual disability epilepsy ichthyosis syndrome; ④ ichthyosis liver and spleen enlargement ataxia syndrome; ⑤ hair shaft abnormality intellectual disability ichthyosis syndrome; ⑥ ichthyosis multifocal neuritis ataxia syndrome; ⑦ ichthyosis bamboo-shaped hereditary allergy syndrome. The spring and autumn seasons are the focus of care, and it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, butter, sweet potatoes, fish liver oil, green leafy vegetables, and pork liver. In winter, avoid excessive bathing and the use of too much soap. After bathing, apply skincare oil to maintain skin moisture, reduce scales, and keep appropriate moisture and sufficient nutritional components. When applying skincare oil, ensure that the amount is sufficient. Additionally, if there is skin infection, apply American Trilestrol ointment externally. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment focuses on removing dandruff, promoting new skin growth, nourishing muscles and skin, improving blood microcirculation, and strengthening the skin’s barrier function.