
My son is 1 year old. Initially, he felt a sore throat when speaking, and I noticed he had a slight cough. It seems like he’s been running a low fever all along. How should I treat his sore throat caused by tonsillitis?


You can appropriately administer some antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications. Additionally, you can provide regional drug sprays or undergo laser therapy. If your child has a sore throat, you can also give them painkillers. If they have a low fever, you can use physical methods to lower their temperature. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. These methods are currently commonly used in the treatment of tonsillitis. Moreover, surgery is also a viable option, suitable for children with recurrent attacks. After the condition improves, it is recommended to let your child engage in moderate exercise to enhance their immunity and prevent recurrence.