
My child developed kidney syndrome when they were about seven or eight years old and had a recurrence one year later. After that, they had not had an episode for eight years, but it recurred last year. Since then, they have been taking hormonal medication, reducing from 12 pills a day to 3 pills now, decreasing by 1 pill each month. Can such medication be discontinued? Are there better treatment options? I am really worried about another recurrence.


Hello, the treatment for kidney syndrome primarily involves hormonal therapy and immunosuppressive therapy. Given your child’s long history and multiple recurrences, the disease’s recurrence is related to fatigue, colds, infections, and poor lifestyle habits. Therefore, when discontinuing medication after treatment, attention must be paid to these factors. In terms of diet, a low-sodium, low-fat diet habit should be followed. The dosage and duration of hormonal medication should be determined based on the condition. If the indicators return to normal after taking hormonal medication, you can gradually discontinue it in the short term without the need for long-term use. There are currently no other effective drugs for this condition. After discontinuation of medication, if the indicators remain normal and you pay attention to the matters I mentioned, you can reduce the risk of recurrence.