
Parents have questions about their child’s epilepsy treatment. They want to know if childhood epilepsy can be cured and the ranking of Zhangjiajie National Epilepsy Hospital. The child often blinks and smacks their lips, but the parents are unsure when the epilepsy attack occurs. The child has been taking medication, but the condition has not improved. The parents wonder if childhood epilepsy can be treated.


It can be treated. First, treatment for epilepsy requires a thorough examination and diagnosis at a regular hospital, including EEG, CT scan, MRI, and brain mapping. After the examination, specialist doctors will analyze the results and the patient’s actual condition to diagnose and develop the most suitable treatment plan for the patient’s specific situation. Next is the targeted treatment, and after treatment, it is necessary to regularly track the progress of the condition, and patients also need to return for regular check-ups to achieve the goal of curing epilepsy. Wishing the child a speedy recovery.