
Can allergic rhinitis during pregnancy be inherited by the baby?


Allergic rhinitis is caused by an individual’s allergic constitution, which is not contagious but can be inherited by offspring. If both parents have an allergic constitution, there is a 66.7% chance of inheritance; if only one parent has an allergic constitution, there is a 50% chance of inheritance. The World Health Organization recognizes that desensitization therapy can improve allergic constitution and is one of the goals for curing allergic rhinitis. The occurrence of allergic rhinitis is related to the allergic constitution caused by inheritance and is often seen in patients with a family history of allergies. In addition to symptoms such as nasal itching, sneezing, and clear nasal discharge during an attack, patients with allergic rhinitis may also experience discomfort in the conjunctiva, maxillary area, or even the external auditory canal. Wenzhou Aier Otolaryngology Hospital reminds that although allergic rhinitis is not contagious, if not treated in a timely manner, it may lead to various complications such as sinusitis, nasal polyps, otitis media, and asthma. Therefore, once allergic rhinitis occurs, treatment should be started early and actively to effectively control the condition and alleviate symptoms. Philins is an effective method for dealing with allergic rhinitis, which can effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses in the nasal cavity, promote the regeneration of nasal mucosal cells, and produce virus antibodies to prevent pathogen invasion.