
A patient asks about their own long-term psoriasis and recently discovering similar symptoms in their child, wanting to know if psoriasis can be transmitted to children and how high the likelihood of inheritance is.


Hello, according to current clinical observations, the likelihood of psoriasis inheritance is low, and it is absolutely not contagious. The cause of psoriasis is not yet fully understood, and treatment usually requires exploratory treatment based on the patient’s acquired factors. The causes of psoriasis include inheritance, autoimmune reactions, neural mediator influence, metabolic disorders, deficiencies in tyrosine or copper ions, etc. There are various diseases that can cause white spots, and psoriasis is just one of them. If the white spots are smooth, without peeling, painless, and itchy, they may be symptoms of psoriasis. It is recommended to undergo a professional examination early for diagnosis and receive targeted treatment to avoid delaying the condition. Currently, there are various methods for treating psoriasis, and appropriate treatment plans should be selected based on specific situations to achieve the best treatment effect.