
How should a patient with chronic kidney disease and hematuria and proteinuria for two years be treated?


Although proteinuria is an important indicator for assessing the severity of kidney disease and its prognosis, kidney disease patients should not solely focus on numerical values. What’s more important is that the condition itself can truly improve. As long as the condition is controlled, the levels of hematuria and proteinuria will naturally decrease. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Sea Cucumber Congee: Boil 100 grams of glutinous rice and 50 grams of water with chopped sea cucumber (100 grams) together to make congee. You can add a small amount of scallion, ginger, and salt for seasoning. This recipe has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and essence, nourishing yin and blood, and is suitable for symptoms such as weakness, soreness in the lower back and knees, insomnia, and night sweats caused by kidney deficiency and yin deficiency.
  2. Goji Pork Kidney Congee: Use 100 grams of glutinous rice, 10 grams of goji berries, and 1 pork kidney (with membrane removed, chopped) to make congee together. This recipe helps to nourish kidney yin, tonify kidney yang, strengthen the essence, and is suitable for symptoms such as lumbar pain, soreness in the lower back and knees, weakness in the legs and feet, dizziness, and tinnitus caused by kidney deficiency and both yin and yang deficiencies.
  3. Cordyceps Sheep Kidney Congee: Take 100 grams of glutinous rice, 10 grams of cordyceps, …