
Can kidney disease patients eat fish?


Fish and shrimp contain abundant high-quality protein. For patients with allergic diseases such as allergic purpura or purpura nephritis, if there is a suspicion of heterologous protein allergy or a history of allergy to fish or shrimp, they should consume these foods with caution. In most cases, these foods do not require dietary restrictions. Fish, shrimp, eggs, and meat are rich in animal protein, which is essential for the formation of human cells and tissues. After protein intake, the liver breaks it down, and the kidneys are responsible for excretion. Therefore, when kidney function decreases, it is necessary to reduce protein intake appropriately to meet the nutritional needs of the body without increasing the burden on the kidneys. Some patients may be afraid to consume protein even if their kidney disease is not severe, or they may not pay attention to protein restriction when required by their condition. These practices are incorrect.