
What symptoms can childhood anemia cause?


Hello, most pediatric anemia is caused by malnutrition. Anemic children may experience symptoms such as a pale or yellowish complexion, easy fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, decreased resistance, and reduced appetite. Anemia can also affect a child’s memory, attention, behavioral abilities, and intelligence. Due to oxygen deficiency, brain cell metabolism becomes abnormal, and children often show behavior such as being irritable, anxious, shy, and self-conscious. The key to improving iron-deficiency anemia in children is to supplement iron from their diet. In addition to normal diet, it is recommended to give children iron supplements commonly used to treat anemia, such as two tablets of Iron Yuan tablet daily to supplement iron and enhance nutrition. Usually, after two months of supplementation, the anemia problem will improve. Moreover, in daily diet, it is advisable to start adding iron-rich foods such as egg yolks and mashed vegetables; after the child is six months old, add foods like liver paste and meat paste.