
My child has difficulty concentrating during learning. Which hospital has the best treatment results? My child struggles with concentration during learning, doesn’t pay attention in class, loves to fidget, and has poor grades. Which hospital is best for treating a child with poor concentration?


Hello, childhood hyperactivity disorder, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or mild brain dysfunction syndrome, is a common childhood behavioral abnormality. The main symptoms of this disease are as follows: one, attention deficit, i.e., lack of concentration, reduced active attention, and enhanced passive attention. Two, hyperactivity, i.e., obviously excessive activity, excessively restless, and Like to attract attention through various work.Three, impulsivity, i.e., emotional instability and poor self-control, easily stimulated by external things. Four, learning difficulties, normal intelligence but unable to focus energy on learning due to other symptoms. Five, neurological developmental disorders. About half of the affected children may show soft neurological signs, such as awkward rapid alternation of movements and coordination problems in gait. Some children may have visual-motor disorders and spatial positioning disorders. Guidance: For hyperactivity disorder, it is necessary to analyze the causes first. Does the child have any minor brain tissue damage? Are there genetic factors? Is there an abnormality in the metabolism of neurotransmitters in the brain? Are there vitamin deficiencies? Food allergies? Sugar metabolism disorders? Do they lack trace elements? Is the living environment polluted or potentially poisoned? Is it due to a allergic reaction to food (especially food additives, artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives)? In addition, inappropriate educational methods by schools and parents towards children’s certain behaviors are also not to be ignored. Find the cause and seek correction from the root.