
A 3-year-old child unfortunately has contracted nephrotic syndrome, and the parents are inquiring about how to handle and prevent it.


Nephrotic syndrome can be categorized into primary and secondary types, with main symptoms including large amounts of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and severe edema. Protein leakage occurs due to damaged kidney cells, leading to an enlarged or ruptured filtration membrane of the glomeruli. Edema is caused by the retention of water and sodium. The child’s recurrent condition may be related to the treatment plan. Western medicine often uses hormone therapy, but it can only control symptoms and not repair damaged kidneys. It is recommended to adopt a combined approach of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which both treats symptoms and repairs the kidneys, achieving a fundamental cure, preventing recurrence, and stopping the progression of the disease. Such treatment has no adverse effects on the child’s growth and development or future life. Diet should focus on low-sodium intake and consumption of high-quality protein sources such as lean meat, egg whites, and milk. At the same time, it is important to prevent colds and upper respiratory infections. Wishing the child a speedy recovery!