
If both parents have Hepatitis B the triple therapy , is it suitable to raise children?


Hello, it is recommended to consider childbirth after transforming the Hepatitis B condition from the triple therapy to surface antigen+ . In terms of treatment, the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine is considered quite good. Since there is currently no effective antiviral medication available domestically and internationally, and it cannot guarantee the complete clearance of the virus, the current treatment goal is to inhibit viral replication, maintain normal liver function, and prevent the occurrence of liver cirrhosis. If liver cirrhosis can be prevented, the harm of Hepatitis B to the human body will be relatively small. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid falling for advertisements and wasting money on treatments that cannot cure the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment mainly relies on differential diagnosis and treatment. As long as the treatment is symptomatic, the effect is usually good. In daily life, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, do not overwork, and pay attention to a healthy diet. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and legumes are beneficial behaviors.