
Hello! First of all, congrats on becoming a new dad. You mentioned feeling concerned about your child’s health education and inquiring about how to prepare for it. Could you please share any specific questions or concerns you have?


Firstly, congratulations on becoming a father! Infant education is a professional field, and for young children, it’s important to help them recognize the things around them and develop self-reliance, avoiding excessive dependence. Here are some basic guidelines for infant health education:

  • Observation and Recognition: Encourage children to observe and recognize their surroundings, such as items in the home, animals, plants, etc.
  • Self-Care Skills: Foster children’s self-care abilities from a young age, such as dressing themselves, eating independently, and tidying up toys.
  • Healthy Habits: Cultivate good hygiene habits, such as frequent handwashing, balanced diet, and adequate sleep.
  • Safety Awareness: Educate children on basic self-protection knowledge, such as not touching hazardous items and not wandering off aimlessly.
  • Parent-Child Interaction: Engage in close interaction with your child, such as storytelling, singing, playing games, etc., to enhance parent-child relationships. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to consult at any time. Wishing your child a healthy and happy growth!