
During the prenatal examination, it was found that there was excess amniotic fluid, accompanied by gestational diabetes, and although the daily food intake was not much, the intake of walnuts was relatively high. What impact does this situation have on the fetus? Can DHA be supplemented?


At full term, the amniotic fluid volume is approximately 800 milliliters, and over 2000 milliliters is considered excess amniotic fluid. Gestational diabetes may lead to an increase in amniotic fluid volume. Treatment recommendations include regular hospital check-ups to observe the fetus’s development. For gestational diabetes, insulin therapy may be required, with specific dosages to be followed as prescribed by the doctor. Additionally, tests for fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin are necessary. It is important to moderately control diet and increase exercise without affecting the fetus’s nutrition. The doctor will ask questions such as: How long have you been pregnant? When was gestational diabetes diagnosed? How is your blood sugar control?