Is the finding of elevated N-Acetyl-D-Glucosaminidase UNAG171 and Urease UGGT44, along with the presence of urinary microalbumin mALB7.40 and urinary microglobulin BMG0.03, indicative of tubular epithelial cell damage? How serious is this condition?
The patient has diabetes, and some indicators in the urine suggest a possibility of early diabetic nephropathy, with the condition not being severe. Elevated levels of N-Acetyl-D-Glucosaminidase are indicative of tubular damage, while diabetic nephropathy primarily involves glomerulosclerosis. It is recommended that the patient control blood sugar levels to normal and use losartan for kidney protection treatment. Lifestyle interventions are also important, including dietary control, balanced diet, weight management, limiting soy product intake, and appropriate exercise. Regular follow-ups are also necessary.